Relaise 22 did not disappoint. A great time was had last evening watching the American vs Canadian Hockey exhibition, after dinner. There was a group of Canadiens overnighting, and between them and us rude Americans, we enjoyed a friendly viewing of the game. No arguments broke out amongst us spectators and both sides cheered when either team scored. It was a good, fun, night. Hedgie Phil was the social butterfly, spreading Darkside cheer to anybody that would listen to him, as he bounced from table to table chatting up the other visitors.
Dinner was much improved as well. Our choices were pork, chicken, salmon or shrimp. Dylan and I chose the chicken, which was actually a chicken kabob, with rice, big spears of potato and some grilled vegetables. While it was very good, we both had second thoughts when we saw Robere’s pork meal come out with a side of pasta. Dylan made a feeble attempt at trying to convince the server that he had actually ordered the pork plate, but the designated table mate that was still waiting on their pork plate to be served, quickly interjected and put a block on that.
This morning’s ski’s up call time was 9am, and we were trail ready by 8:45am. This Darkside Team is running pretty tight these days. They aren’t giving me much blog material either. But there’s always one that can contribute each day.
Today it is Old Man Ron Nicks. When leaving the lodge this morning, there was another small group of ski-doo’ers that pulled out behind us, the way I understand it. And after a short amount of time on the trail, they begin passing our riders one by one, and as the merged groups continued down the trail, a fork in the road arrived. Old Man just followed the sled in front of him, and the next thing to you know 3 or 4 other sleds in our group followed him. Problem is, the ski doo’er Old Man followed, was NOT in our group. Apparently the other group was doing a quick stop on the side of the trail, for whatever reason, and NFG Steve quickly recognized the situation, and franticly flagged for Ski Doo Matt to come up beside him to explain the situation. Ski Doo, still trying to figure out what the hell is going on, walks up to the sled in front of Old Man and realizes that “You're not with us!” and Ski Doo Matt got our splintered group conjoined and back on trail. Just another day.
The first 25 miles of our trail ride today was superb. We watched the groomer return last night after dinner. We were confident we would have good trails today. And they were, until mile mark 26, and we ran about 45 miles in wash board trail. Those 45 miles felt like 90 miles, but the last 20 miles coming into Roberval QC were properly groomed and made a nice ending to our day. Sometimes snowmobiling is like golf. You start the day with a great attitude, play a couple good holes, then put one in the water, then take an 8 on a hole, then finish out your round with a good drive, and that makes you want to come back the next day to give it another swing.
We landed at the Chateau Roberval around 1:30pm today, we only had about 85 miles to do. We were here last in 2023, and it is a big hotel with plenty of amenities, a good shower and beds that are not 4 inches off the floor. Each room also has it own shower and facilities; Truck Driver Brian is pleased again.
Tomorrow’s scheduled destination is Motel Nordic in Chibougamau QC, approximately 150/180 miles, and no gas stations on route. We last went this path in 2023 and most of us can make it on a tank of fuel, coming in on fumes. Some may not. We shall see. Another thing we shall see, is if we even go to Chibougamau, as the Orange Helmet Craig, Ski Doo Matt, Hedgie Phil and NFG Steve are working on an alternative plan. Rumour on the trail is that there is a bridge on our route that has been condemned by either the local government agency or a Provincial agency, and the bridge is closed. There’s another rumor that the local club said to hell with said Agency, and they are maintaining the trail. As Action Dan likes to say… “You can’t replace this!” We shall see.
The current situation is Craig, Matt, Baby Boy and Hedgie Phil are in the hot tub, Connecticut Jim is sitting on a couch in the lobby, in full gear, patiently waiting for his room to be prepared, and Action Dan and Wiki Rob are at a small table in the lobby chewing on wings and cole slaw from the neighboring IGA. The hotel bar is not yet open, which is to be viewed as either a positive or negative. Usually when we get in this early the bar tab is mucho grande, compared to a normal arrival time. Fortunately for me, someone had the foresight to grab a cold case of Rocky Mountains so I would have the lubrication necessary to write this stupid effing blog everybody insists upon.
Bye for now,